InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with 2008.

InDis – Ep 020 – Chicks in Gaming Vol 1

Hey look at that. We made it to Episode 20! And we have a special guest! Unfortunatly, we have no Jason. He was sick again with some flu like symptoms, but he’s doing ok and should be back for the next show. As usual, we have distractions. We talk a bit more about Crisis Core […]


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InDis – Ep 019 – Little Bit Funny

Well, we are more behind than entirely necessary it seems. We were waiting for 3PM to post the cast, turns out we could have done it earlier, but I decided to REedit the cast due to the HORRIBLE quality of the first attempt. Glad I did too. So no matter what you think of the […]


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InDis – Ep 018 – Game Movies

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday to Jason (3/22). Sorry we’re late this week. Jason was sick on Thursday so we couldn’t record then. Lucky for us, Jason is now fine. We recorded yesterday on Easter Sunday. We had to edit kinda quickly, so hopefully the quality is pretty good. Let us know ok? Jason talks […]


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InDis – Ep 017 – One Console?

There were a couple of people that mentioned that the volume consistency was a little off last week. As I said, I was attempting to edit a different way. I went back to the old way this week so hopefully it’s a little better. Also did a few things differently so let me know how […]


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InDis – Ep 016 – God of War

Well, the short show was short lived. But we did have a Dear X and a double feature, so please forgive us and our windedness. Also, we used a different method of editing this time around. Takes longer, but it should sound better. This week, Jason has to vent about his problems with Lost Odyssey! […]


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InDis – Ep 015 – Vitamins?

Finally, a show that clocks in under 2 hours! Wow! This week, Geoff and his roommates had a bad experience with some people working on their place and Chris did some PS3 controller surgery! We talk about our distractions this week. Chris gives some more info on Patapon and Jason joins him in talking about […]


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InDis – Ep 014 – The Master Approves

We ran a little long again this week. But this time… we’re not sorry! Because it’s high quality stuff man. Distractions as usual. Jason got a chance to download the XNA community launcher on Live and he tells us a little about the games on there. Geoff is still playing Lost Odyssey. And Chris continues […]


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InDis – Ep 013 – Lots o’ Stories!

We ran a little long this week. Sorry. Doesn’t help that Jason and Chris are getting over being sick. So hopefully you guys will bear with us. Anyway, more distractions. We all have Devil May Cry 4 now and Jason’s actually beaten it already. Geoff went out and got Lost Odyssey and talks about it […]


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InDis – Ep 012 – Balloon Pop!

Man was this an odd episode. You would think that we were all in a room full of laughing gas. Anyway, we still fought our way through it and there’s some good stuff lined up for you guys. We start out with a little bit of a shout out to 1up. Followed by this weeks […]


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InDis – Ep 011 – The Drum Hero!

So we’re a day late. Sorry. But we did record on Sunday this week. And Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday. Come on, give us a break. I mean, we do have a good show lined up. And we did have special guest Andrew Rudson who is the creator of the “Drum Machine” application for your […]


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