InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with PSN.

Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders is a very unique and different experience. Trendy Entertainment has captured the entertaining wave-based gameplay of the tower defense genre and meshed it together brilliantly with addictive RPG elements. Add fantastic third-person action gameplay and some of the best cooperative gaming you’ll come across this year, and you’ve got a formula for one […]

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From Dust

From Dust

When I hear a game attributed to the god game genre, I expect a heavily immersive epic that celebrates the human existence. Currently, developers find it difficult to make games that meet the new and lofty achievements accomplished by ever evolving indie games like Dwarf Fortress. This also makes them hard pressed to introduce creative […]

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BloodRayne: Betrayal

BloodRayne: Betrayal

The BloodRayne series has quite the history with two slightly above average third-person action games, three films (unfortunately by Uwe Boll) with one of them seeing the big screen for maybe a week and the other two going straight to DVD and a one shot set of comics that hit in 2007.  Though, from a […]

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Section 8: Prejudice Review

Section 8: Prejudice Review

Section 8: Prejudice is the downloadable follow up to Section 8, a full-fledged retail game. The first Section 8 was hailed as a fun multiplayer focused title, and while Prejudice has a singleplayer campaign, it is not the meat of the title. It may seem odd that a developer has decided to change route and […]

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InDis – Ep 193 – Premium Trophy Synching

InDis – Ep 193 – Premium Trophy Synching 

Greetings InDisFamily! This week Geoff, Chris, and Trav talk to you about what we should (and shouldn’t) be paying for with our online console services. But before all that… In Distractions… Travis cannot really talk about what football game he is playing… Geoff has been playing Street Fighter and a bit of Killzone 3…. And […]


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Hard Corps: Uprising

Hard Corps: Uprising

Anyone that was into gaming back in the 80s should know the name “Contra.”  For this gamer, Contra for the original NES was the first time I ever input the infamous “Konami Code!”  Thirty lives certainly made the game a lot easier to get through.  The Contra games have a legacy of being difficult, but […]

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InDis – Ep 024 – Pirates a’plenty

24! God I love that show! I hope it comes back soon… Damn writers strike! Anyway… shorter episode, but still good stuff. First… we must announce… “Uncle Chris.” Yup, Chris is now “kinda” an uncle since his Fiancee’s sister had a little one on May 1st! Distractions this week. Chris is back into Rock Band […]


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InDis – Ep 023 – This Episode is Preowned

Good Monday listeners! Lots of stuff. Distractions this week. Pretty light week for us, but we talk about some stuff… including some talk about how successful last week’s Warhawk Wednesday was for us. Then Geoff has some news for us. Some interesting stuff this week. After the intermission we talk about the Preowned gaming market. […]


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InDis – Ep 022 – MicroEpisode… or not

Jason’s lucky Episode. First note: *jumps out of the 3rd person for a sec* Any issues with the audio for this week are solely MY fault. We use 3 separate tracks usually. My track, is recorded in stereo and on one track it’s just me and the other is Jason and Geoff so we could […]


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InDis – Ep 021 – We Miss Geoff

Episode two and a one! We’re Canadian-less this week. Geoff’s out on vacation. But hopefully he’ll come back to us safely for next week. So Jason and Chris take on this episode on their own. We have distractions. Jason and Chris reminisce about this past week’s Warhawk Wednesday. They also both got their Phantasy Star […]


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