InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles in Audio.

InDis – Ep 233 – Let us inform you

InDis – Ep 233 – Let us inform you 

Original Crew this week! In Distractablos. Well… lots of Diablo talk.  Chris talks about beating Valkyria Chronicles II… finally. News is next.  We chat up a new Castlevania, a new Gears and Jet Set Radio. After the Castlevania themed break, we talk about bad launches of online games and if they deter us from playing […]


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InDis – Ep 232 – Running Sh!t Episode 3

InDis – Ep 232 – Running Sh!t Episode 3 

They said it wouldn’t happen. They said it wouldn’t last. But ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have a podcast for that ass. It’s the latest  internet-defining episode of the Running Sh!t Podcast. Glenn Burgess joins Travis and Geoff as they discuss…. exactly what they usually discuss on a regular InDis episode, but with […]


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InDis – Ep 231 – Easy Jason Mode

InDis – Ep 231 – Easy Jason Mode 

Hey all! Welcome to another week of InDis! Normal crew this week hearing your thoughts of the difficulty setting you enjoy playing games on! But first… In Distractions… Trav beat Max Payne 3…. Geoff is clicking away in Diablo 3…. Chris has been cursing Diablo 3 while playing Triple Town… After News and a small […]


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InDis – Ep 230 – The way of things

InDis – Ep 230 – The way of things 

Normal Crew this week! Distractions to start.  Travis hits up some Minecraft and talks a little more Witcher 2 with both guys.  Geoff played… well… nothing really.  Chris is back on Valkyria Chronicles II. In news we talk a little about a new Vita game as well as a couple of other good mentions. After […]


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InDis – Ep 229 – Carbonated Herzogs

InDis – Ep 229 – Carbonated Herzogs 

Regular crew this week plus a special guest for today’s feature. But first… In Distractions… Trav talks Walking Dead and Dragon’s Dogma… Geoff still hasn’t beaten Mass Effect 3… Chris brushes on a few things including more PSO2. In today’s feature, the boys are joined by James Green of Carbon Games to chat about their […]


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InDis – Ep 228 – Sucks on either side of the counter

InDis – Ep 228 – Sucks on either side of the counter 

Travis has to duck out this week so Glenn fills in for him. Distractions to start.  Glenn is playing Street Fighter X Tekken and Geoff joins him to talk about Trials.  All three of us talk more about Mass Effect 3, then Chris just has a few more games to talk about including the PSO2 […]


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InDis – Ep 227 – Our Gaming Funk

InDis – Ep 227 – Our Gaming Funk 

Welcome to another InDis! Sorry for the lateness this week. We couldn’t think of a Question of the Week to save our lives, but here we are for your listening pleasure. First… In Distractions… Chris and Geoff played more Mass Effect… Geoff is loving some Trials Evolution… Travis and Chris played that Witcher 2 joint… […]


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InDis – Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast!

InDis – Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast! 

After all the teasing and pussyfooting about, it’s finally here!  Chris, Travis, Nate and Glenn get together to talk about all things Mass Effect 3.  Now’s your chance to find out what we liked, loved and hated about the final installment in this incredible series.  Since this is the last Mass Effect spoiler show you’re […]


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InDis – Ep 226 – Kickstarting new jingles

InDis – Ep 226 – Kickstarting new jingles 

Regular crew this week. Distractions are first as normal.  Chris is still playing a ton of Mass Effect and Geoff is too!  He also plays some King of Fighters and Skull Girls!  Travis is playing some more Corpse party, Xenoblade and Dark Souls. In news this week, we talk about Street Fighter X Tekken. After […]


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InDis – Ep 225 – Mailbag Time

InDis – Ep 225 – Mailbag Time 

Hey guys! Welcome to another week of the Interactive Distractions podcast! We’ve missed your lovely faces so much. Today we give you, yet another, mailbag special to enjoy, but first… In Distractions… Geoff is trying to find a way to get hooked into ME3… Travis played LotR:WitN and is almost done with Dark Souls… Chris […]


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