InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles by Chris.

InDis – Ep 109 – Not-so-magic 8-ball

InDis – Ep 109 – Not-so-magic 8-ball 

You’ve got the normal crew again this week. First up Distractions.  Travis got back into Mass Effect. Geoff got a Saturn! Chris dropped into Torchlight a little. News, not much that’s interesting.  SSFIV stoof.  Another PSP in our future? Sony going to charge us for premium PSN features? After the break, we revisit our predictions […]


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Ad slip – PSP4000 incoming?

Ad slip – PSP4000 incoming? 

Oops!  A recent ad for some LittleBigPlanet PSP accesories slipped up and mentioned the PSP-4000, adding fuel to the rumor fire of yet another PSP coming out. The question is, do we really NEED another revamp on the PSP?  Does this mean the Go is a complete failure (correct answer is “yes”)? Negative Gamer got […]

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Lunar: Silver Star Harmony gets “sexy” limited edition

Lunar: Silver Star Harmony gets “sexy” limited edition 

Why in the world would you release the same damn game 3 times on 3 different platforms? Because it’s Lunar that’s why! Lunar’s glory dates back to the Sega CD days when the GameArts classic was localized and published by Working Designs.  It also happens to be the first game that I ever purchased with […]

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InDis – Ep 108 – Action Packed

InDis – Ep 108 – Action Packed 

Travis, Geoff and Chris join you again this week. Distractions up first.  Travis got his hands on Torchlight and Chris talks about a little challenge that was throw his way along with 3 other members of the VGEvo Podcast Network. News up next, Betas and demos and DLC, oh my!  Not to mention some exciting […]


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InDis – Ep 107 – Cave of Glory

InDis – Ep 107 – Cave of Glory 

The new regular 3 are up to bat for the first time since Travis joined us. Distractions first.  Travis is talking MW2, some more Dragon Age talk.  God of Inferno demo talk from all three and a tiny bit of Pixel Junk Shooter from Chris. News is up next.  Some news about that Gears of […]


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Christmas Contest – Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam)

Christmas Contest – Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam) 

Alright, so back on Episode 105, Fergus1001 dropped us a line and told us that he had an extra code to give away for Left 4 Dead 2 from Steam.  He wanted us to give that code away. Here’s what you have to do. Post in this thread or email us and answer Furgus’ following […]

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Dante’s Inferno = God of War

Dante’s Inferno = God of War 

So, yesterday the demo for Dante’s Inferno hit the PSN Store.  Of course I had to download it.  I mean, it’s supposed to be just like God of War and I love me some God of War. Well, they were right.  It is like God of War.  Actually, it is a blatant rip off of […]

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Victor Ireland’s Gaijinworks to help Sunsoft in the US

Victor Ireland’s Gaijinworks to help Sunsoft in the US 

Some of you may remember Mr. Ireland from his glory days as head of the greatest video game publisher of all time; Working Designs (that’s fact people… deal with it)! These days, he’s pretty quiet.  His new company, Gaijinworks, has done little to bring attention to itself.  Even the website is just a logo.  Besides […]

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Why do people who know nothing about gaming insist on talking about it!

Why do people who know nothing about gaming insist on talking about it! 

Some of you out there may have seen this article written by Anne Kadet for Yahoo. The article is about what NOT to buy for Christmas. She mentions that the Playstation 3 as an item NOT to buy. I was, of course, curious as to why she would say something like that.  The reasoning is […]

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Most RPGs these days are all about trying to do something unique and daring – something new to the genre. Whether the uniqueness be a new way to do quests, an uncommon party system or some other gimmick having to do with the battles, the one thing that many RPGs coming out recently have in common is that they all try to do something completely different from the others. Nostalgia, well, it is not one of those games.

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