InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Dante’s Inferno = God of War


So, yesterday the demo for Dante’s Inferno hit the PSN Store.  Of course I had to download it.  I mean, it’s supposed to be just like God of War and I love me some God of War.

Well, they were right.  It is like God of War.  Actually, it is a blatant rip off of God of War.

Controls… God of War.  Static camera, Left stick controls your movement, right stick dodges.
Combat… God of War + a cross.  Quick attack, heavy attack and a cross power.  Even the combos start to look like God of War like the ability to launch enemies in the air or counter attack if you block right as an enemy is attacking you.
Boss/Large enemy Combat… God of War.  Beat them senseless then… QTE, or beat them senseless then climb on their back and have them beat up stuff for you.

OK, so with that out of the way, this really isn’t a bad thing.  PS3 owners, Dante’s Inferno comes out more than a month before GoWIII, so that should give you plenty of time to pick up the PS3 exclusive Divine Edition and get through it before God of War comes out.  360 owners, you finally have that God of War type experience you’ve been wanting.

Overall the game seems like it will be fun to play.  The presentation of the story is stylistic.  The game uses 2d animation to keep you up to date on what’s going on.  The combat is very much like God of War, so it’s fun.  It could be argued that it’s actually a little deeper with the addition of the Cross attack.  The QTEs are not handled quite as well as GoWIII, but better than GoWI.  Unlike God of War III which shows the buttons you need to press on the edge of the screen respective to their position on the controller, Dante’s buttons show up at the top of the screen, but the window of time in which you have to press them is longer than God of War.  The game is visually pretty damn good and overall as well, so it is a worthy God of War clone.

Being a fan of this type of action game, Dante’s Inferno is now a definite buy for me.  Especially since it is based on one of the few books I was required to read in my college Lit classes that I actually enjoyed.  I have a feeling it won’t be to tough to get through before God of War III comes out.  Best of both worlds.  Love it when that happens.

Later people.

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  1. avatar robby1051 says:

    That is a win! Even though like you said, its a pretty much direct copy, I love the GOW gameplay too. So I am in! Divine Edition ftw!

  2. avatar Jason says:

    Yeeeeep… blatant carbon-copy. As such, I’ve got very little desire to play it. I know there’s nothing new in store for me as I’ve played God of War.

  3. avatar lyte edge says:

    I am interested in this game, but having already played through Bayonetta, the bar has been set incredibly high now. The God of War III demo felt like trash in comparison. You just can’t top Bayonetta’s amazing game play and over-the-top crazy levels and boss fights.

  4. avatar hermes200 says:

    I think there was more to this game than a GoW rip-off. True, it feels very much like God of War (that is no surprise, since anyone that read or watch anything about the game would know; and the developers have never hide their “inspirations”); but there are a few things that set him apart. In particular, the customization system seems pretty cool (you can level up and “buy” combos and upgrades for your weapons, and can choose the magic that goes to use on the contextual button).

    Besides, we have to give Visceral some credit, they are pretty good at making a rip-off game (as shown in their previous rip-off, Dead “Resident Evil 4” Space). I am probably going to check it out when it’s released.

  5. avatar Chris says:

    Hermes… definitely don’t think it’s a bad thing that they did. The demo was really good and all of us enjoyed it. It’s a buy for me, but the game does feel EXACTLY like God of War.

  6. avatar hermes200 says:

    Yeah… I read this before hearing your opinion on the podcast.

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