InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

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InDis – Ep 224 – Gamin’, is what we got

Regular crew this week.

Distractions are first as normal.  Geoff is still playing Street Fighter x Tekken but he also picked up Kid Icarus and we go into some detail there.  Travis is playing Dark Souls and Sine Mora.  Chris is still talking Mass Effect 2 and plays a little Super Stardust Delta.

News hits and we talk about Journey, Fez and Trials 2 a bit and we also talk about PSO2 again!

After the [Guess Game Here] break, we talk about endings of games and if they have ever affected the way we felt about the game as a whole.

We hit up some new releases, then remind everyone that next week is a mail bag week… so get those emails in while you’re enjoying episode 224

000:00 – Introductions and Announcements
008:57 – Geoff’s Distractions
024:44 – Travis’ Distractions
033:35 – Chris’ Distractions
035:43 – News
046:54 – Intermission
051:55 – Game Endings
093:24 – New Releases
096:47 – New Question of the Week

QotW: MAILBAG! What do you want to know from us?

Remember, the InDis email line is open 24/7.
Have a suggestion for the Question of the Week? Drop us a line at or …

706-760-4337  (it’s almost leet, but it’s not)
Google talk –

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