InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with PSN.

InDis – Ep 264 – Not as wrong as we thought

InDis – Ep 264 – Not as wrong as we thought 

Jason is back so it’s regular crew this week. Distractions has lots of new stuff.  Dishonored and the Neo Geo X from Jason.  Geoff is playing more Forza and Hitman and breaks open Need For Speed on his 360.  Chris nabbed Ni No Kuni on the DS and played some new Torchlight. In news… Lots […]


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InDis – Ep 263 – Holidays

InDis – Ep 263 – Holidays 

Just Geoff and Chris this week. Distractions is dominated by Vita talk since Geoff just got one. In news… there’s some competition for Ouya on the kickstarter front. After the break, we talk about what we did for the holidays and what kind of loot we got! New releases have a couple of intriguing games to jump […]


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InDis – Ep 262 – We’re Still Alive!

InDis – Ep 262 – We’re Still Alive! 

Can’t seem to get a 4 man show.  Glenn, Geoff and Chris this week After a lenghty intro segment, we talk distractions where we bug Geoff about opening his Vita… and Geoff and Chris talk more Far Cry 3. In news, THQ steals the spotlight… too bad it’s not good news… especially for the gamers […]


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InDis – Ep 261 – Eat your hat!

InDis – Ep 261 – Eat your hat! 

Regular crew this week… Jason, Geoff and Chris. In Distractions…. Jason’s playing a ton of Vita stuff including Playstation All-stars, Jak and DaxterGeoff talks some more about DmC.  Geoff visits XCOM’s multiplayer and some more Halo 4.  More Far Cry talk and then Chris talks Mark of the Ninja and Walking Dead a tiny bit. […]


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InDis – Ep 260 – Damn Kids

InDis – Ep 260 – Damn Kids 

Do to the actions of a child, Glenn is unable to join us.  So it’s just Geoff and I? In Distractions…. Geoff talks some more Halo 4 and revisits Skyrim.  Chris hits up some Far Cry 3… eventually… and the demo for one of the games he’s anticipating the most… Ni No Kuni! News reveals a […]


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InDis – Ep 259 – 3 F’ing Idiots

InDis – Ep 259 – 3 F’ing Idiots 

Jason sits out this week so you have Chris, Geoff and Glenn… to… blame… for this episode. In Distractions…. Glenn and Geoff talk some more Halo 4 and Chris is still talking XCOM… jeez! News is up next and we talk a bit about Black Friday sales and preloaded games. After the break, we hit […]


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InDis – Ep 258 – Wii’re with U

InDis – Ep 258 – Wii’re with U 

This week we are sporting the regular crew with 2 of them from Battle and Brew… in an interesting way. In Distractions…. Geoff hits up some demos like Sega’s new cart racer, Jason actually TALKS about Farcry 3, and Chris is still playing the same damn thing.  Geoff and Chris played the DmC demo as […]


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InDis – Ep 257 – As creative as a brick

InDis – Ep 257 – As creative as a brick 

Regular crew this week. In Distractions…. Geoff is playing lots of Halo 4, Jason is still playing Farcry 3 and making us jealous, Chris is playing more XCOM… of course.  Oh… and Star Wars Birds thing. News is next… More Star Wars, a little . After the FLASHBACK, RPT fills us in on the new releases […]


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InDis – Ep 256 – Decisions

InDis – Ep 256 – Decisions 

Jason, Geoff and Chris tonight. In Distractions…. Jason plays a lot of stuff to get ready for GotY, Geoff is talking Halo and Chris talks some more XCOM. During news… Dennis Dyack is not a happy camper. After the break, we talk about who’s exclusive developer list would generate the most sales. RPT answers the […]


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InDis – Ep 254 – That’s how we do this right?

InDis – Ep 254 – That’s how we do this right? 

Four man show tonight with Geoff, Jason, Glenn and Chris. In Distractions…. all 4 of us talk lots of Borderlands 2 and XCOM.  Geoff throws in some DoA and Forza and Chris is still destroying humanity with his plagues. After the break we hit up some news including Apple, Joe Mad and more. RPT schools […]


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