InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with PSN.

InDis – Ep 284 – Phased Ouya

InDis – Ep 284 – Phased Ouya 

Normal crew this week and we’re a little late b/c of some problems with recording here and there. Distractions.  More Injustice, Swapper, some Oculus Rift and a whole lot of Ouya. News is mostly about games (go figure) including some Mobile and next gen stuff. After the break, phasing in and phasing out things during […]


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InDis – Ep 283 – XBone

InDis – Ep 283 – XBone 

Hangout time again.  All four of us this week. Distractions has Injustice, Blood Dragons and Ingressessess. A couple of items in news including this animated gif… pronounced jif! After the break, Xboned. New releases that don’t work the way they should and then we talk about next week.  It’s a long show but hopefully you […]


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InDis – Ep 282 – Hangin’ Out

InDis – Ep 282 – Hangin’ Out 

Abnormal crew, abnormal setup, abnormal show. Geoff is out this week so Glenn steps up to bad. In Distractions, Glenn talks some more Halo and Ingress.  Injustice talk from Jason.  Chris talks more Defiance. In news, we revisit a kickstarter that was successfully funded, Gran Turismo 6, real dollars and more! No break this week […]


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InDis – Ep 281 – Retro (In)Justice

InDis – Ep 281 – Retro (In)Justice 

Normal crew yet again! In Distractions, Geoff and Jason go oooooooooooooooooooon about Injustice.  Chris talks a tiny bit more about Sacred Citadel and talks about cutting things. In news, some Backwards compatibility rumors for the InBox… InfiniBox… XInf… a delay on the Ouya, and more. After the break, we talk about how many new games […]


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InDis – Ep 280 – Always on My Mind!

InDis – Ep 280 – Always on My Mind! 

Normal Crew this week First half is all games!  Jason talks a bunch of Soul Sacrifice, Geoff is playing more Bioshock and Blood Dragon and Chris hits up a few new things. After the break, we talk about the fear of always being connected with the new Xbox. New releases, a couple of voicemails and […]


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Normal crew this week plus Aces joins us to spoil Bioshock Infinte. Games, news than we take a break. New releases, InDisQuestions and a new question of the week end out the show. After the ending music we go into FULL SPOILER MODE ON BIOSHOCK  INFINITE… YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! And that’s episode 279 QotW: […]


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InDis – Ep 278 – Wii Eww

InDis – Ep 278 – Wii Eww 

Normal crew this week We talk more about Bioshock and Defiance this week as well as more depth on Guacamelee and we touch on Sacred Citadel a little bit. News is a lot about Nintendo after the break, but we have a couple of Sony reports Also after the break… Wii U and how we […]


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InDis – Ep 277 – You’re Who?

InDis – Ep 277 – You’re Who? 

Jason is out this week … at a Protomen show … so Glenn joins us! Distractions consists of Bioshock, Guacamelee, Defiance, Halo and more! After the intermission, we have some news for you and it’s quite a bit about Microsoft. New Releases consist of DC characters and that’s pretty much it (go buy Guacamelee). We’ve […]


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InDis – Ep 276 – Infinite Defiance

InDis – Ep 276 – Infinite Defiance 

Normal crew this week. Distractions consists of Bioshock and Defiance. News has lots of Star wars talk. After that we do some InDisQuestions and a voicemail New releases and a new question of the week round off episode 276 for ya. No times this week… sorry. QotW:  Is the Wii U in trouble? Remember, the […]


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InDis – Ep 275 – A RPT Appearance

InDis – Ep 275 – A RPT Appearance 

Geoff is out this week, so honorary InDis member RPT joins Chris and Jason again for this episode. Distractions is a lot of interesting games that we never talk about from RPT.  Then Jason and Chris talk up Bioshock Infinite.  There’s also a little Tomb Raider and some FTL talk in there too. News is […]


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