InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with old.

InDis – Ep 090 – Tangents R Us

The countdown has begun… 10 episodes to InDisFest! First up… some Distractions.   Jason and Geoff both talk about Trials HD.  Chris just can’t stop playing Evil Genius from Then some news.  Something that may not make you Grin, not to mention some GREAT preorder bonuses! When we come back… Exclusive content, the preorder type, […]


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InDis – Ep 089 – Classic Podcast? … naaaah!

11 weeks and counting to InDisFest!  We get some great news and some more details from Jason about the event. Then some Distractions.   Some talk about the Batman Arkham Asylum Demo. News is next… Not a lot though… we only had a few days between recordings. After the break, what makes a game a classic.  […]


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InDis – Ep 088 – Under a Missing Feature

Editors Note:  OK guys, here’s the deal.  We recorded this episode last night at 10PM.  To get the show out quicker, Jason just used the back up so we could get the show out this morning.  So, the audio quality may be a little iffy in some spots. But we decided it was more important […]


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InDis – Ep 087 – 3, 2, XII, Ignition

Great show lined up for you guys this week. Distractions up first.   Jason is in love with a PSN game, Geoff is talking up a XBLA game and Chris is playing… Monster Hunter? Next up… Geoff brings us some great news from The Behemoth! After the break, we talk to Shane Bettenhausen from Ignition about […]


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InDis – Ep 086 – The Love of the Game

Episode 86 and we did something different in the beginning.  Let us know what you think. Distractions up first.   Nothing amazingly new on the menu, but we talk about some more BlazBlue. News.  Massive amounts of news!  I mean… there’s a ton of Action in this news! After we come back, we talk about how […]


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InDis – Ep 085 – Cinematic Backup

Episode 85 has a little quirk.  One of our individual audio tracks died on us… so we had to use the back up.  Sorry about the audio quality.  Hopefully this won’t be a regular thing. First… More Battle and Brew and InDisFest talk.  Good stuff. Then, Distractions.   We’ve all played BlazBlue now… Geoff more than […]


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InDis – Ep 084 – Doesn’t tie in so well

On time and happy!  Episode 84 is heeeeere! First… Jason and Chris get a chance to hang at Battle and Brew. Then, we’re quite distracted.   Jason talks about BlazBlue a bit. News segment, including something we’re surprised… and quite unhappy about, concerning Starcraft. After the break… Movies get games made for them all the time… […]


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InDis – Ep 083 – An Odd(world) year for fighters

We’re a little late this time around.  Sorry about that.  One of us was sick on our normal recording day so we had to record on Sunday this week and just could not get the show out in time for our normal Monday release.  But all is well now and we’ll be back on schedule […]


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InDis – Ep 082 – Quest for the Sequel

Good Monday people.  We have a new episode for you.  Go figure. First… INDISFEST!  More info for you guys.  This is shaping up to be EPIC! Distractions. Jason and Chris beat inFamous … again. Geoff still hasn’t.  But Geoff and Chris talk about… wait… something new on the Wii?  WTF? News, still not a lot […]


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InDis – Ep 081 – Motion Fest

Well E3 is now behind us.  Sadness.  But that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop talking about games… ever. First up… Distractions. Jason and Chris beat inFamous and started new games right after… wow.  Geoff got his hands on Prototype, he gives us a little rundown of what he thinks and talks about the comparison […]


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