InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with 2008.

InDis – Ep 068 – Bonus Boric Points!

We’re late again.  But we hope you understand.  Chris is getting ready for his wedding so it was on Jason to edit this week.  The weekend that he had company in town to go to Final Round.  So it’s understandable that he didn’t have time to edit the show. Jason isn’t with us on this […]


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InDis – Ep 067 – KillzOWNZ!

Hey… we’re on time this week… No thanks to me… getting Jason the info he needed super late. Anyway, enough about our troubles… on to Distractions. More SFIV… big surprise. And… Oh no… Another Phantasy Star game for Chris to talk about. New segment… wait what. Our very first Month in Review segment. Let us […]


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InDis – Ep 066 – You asked for it… InDis-tructible

Hey… we finally made it. If you didn’t hear already, we’re running a little late this week due to multiple level failure. We recorded on Thursday and when we went to edit the show, we noticed that our guests audio was only 15 minutes long. Then, our back up only had the input voices (those […]


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InDis – Ep 065 – RVC4: Street Fighter

Hey look… it’s Monday… so here’s your weekly dose of InDis! Distractions. Jason finished a game! Holy crap! Chris is playing all the games he couldn’t play when he was sucked into Fallout? Neeeeeeeeeeeeews Tiiiiiiiiiiime Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiildreeeeeen… staring Geoff Chorney. New AND SUPER DUPER EXCITING hardware news for the US. </sarcasm> After the break… It’s all […]


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InDis – Ep 064 – Drunk Dialing is Underrated

Another Monday… another InDis.  But this time, it’s all back to normal.  Amazing.  First time in weeks! Distractions this week.  Jason hits Fallout again.  Geoff relives part of his past with the new Genesis collection, and Chris is playing… wait… strategy game?  Hey wait… where did Geoff go? Some more news from Geoff.  Including … […]


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InDis – Ep 056 – Our Crystal Ball Broke

A horrible thing that the Trio is broken!  But rest assured it’s temporary. Distractions.  The usual including an extra large helping of Left 4 Dead. Microtransaciton News.  As well as … WoW news? After the break, we revisit our predictions that we made back in January. A short new release list that consists of Rock […]


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InDis – Ep 044 – InDis Weekend Atlanta

Wow… what an episode this one is! We miss Geoff, but we have 3, count them, 3 guests! So… 5 people’s Distractions! Wait… actually… 6! Crazy huh? A short bit of news… done not nearly as well as Geoff does it. Short break, followed by some crazy con guy asking a very inappropriate question. Then […]


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InDis – Ep 023 – This Episode is Preowned

Good Monday listeners! Lots of stuff. Distractions this week. Pretty light week for us, but we talk about some stuff… including some talk about how successful last week’s Warhawk Wednesday was for us. Then Geoff has some news for us. Some interesting stuff this week. After the intermission we talk about the Preowned gaming market. […]


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InDis – Ep 022 – MicroEpisode… or not

Jason’s lucky Episode. First note: *jumps out of the 3rd person for a sec* Any issues with the audio for this week are solely MY fault. We use 3 separate tracks usually. My track, is recorded in stereo and on one track it’s just me and the other is Jason and Geoff so we could […]


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InDis – Ep 021 – We Miss Geoff

Episode two and a one! We’re Canadian-less this week. Geoff’s out on vacation. But hopefully he’ll come back to us safely for next week. So Jason and Chris take on this episode on their own. We have distractions. Jason and Chris reminisce about this past week’s Warhawk Wednesday. They also both got their Phantasy Star […]


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