InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles tagged with 2008.

InDis – David S. Gallant Interview

InDis – David S. Gallant Interview 

You asked for it and here it is! This is an extended interview with David S. Gallant, the creator of the controversial game I Get This Call Everyday. We ask David to give us his account of what exactly has been going on, then go into his development background and what he hopes to achieve from this […]


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InDis – Ep 080 – The inFamous E3

Wow… ok so we Double feature it this week and the show was looooooooooooooooooooooooooo *breaths* ooooooooooong.  But hopefully you will find as entertaining to listen to as we did to record.  :) Distractions to start.  Quite possibly the shortest distraction segment EVAR.  Spoiler Alert.  “Chris, what’s distracting you”  “Just InFamous… let’s move on.” We turn […]


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InDis – Ep 079 – Beyond Heroes and Villains

Not sure how this one got out in time. We just recorded it yesterday! And we were all pretty sick so bear with us will ya. But after staying up until 12:30 editing, then finishing up the show at 6 this morning… it is here! :) Distractions to start. Some new stuff rolled in. Punchout […]


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InDis – Ep 077 – You did what?

Well it was rough, but we got this episode out on time!  Good stuff! So lets get the show started then huh?  What should we start with… oh… how about some distractions… ok… how about A LOT of distractions! Then on to news this week.  We should probably mention that there was some stuff skipped […]


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InDis – Ep 076 – Rooms of plastic

Hey there everyone. I’m bringing you a new episode of InDis today. How about that. Start off with a pretty cool ass announcement this week. Tom Ohle from Good Old Games joins us to help. Then we get to the show as usual starting with distractions. Geoff has news. And we get some really good […]


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InDis – Ep 075 – Now with more features

Good morning. It’s time for your weekly intake of InDis that is necessary for sustaining sanity. This week, we start out TOTALLY different. Oh wait… no we don’t… we start with distractions again. Then some news. Including some great news for all you NBA Live fans… <_< >_> Following the break, we come back and […]


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InDis – Ep 074 – Puff Piffy Party

Hey look… it’s a Monday morning.  What should I do.  OH… I’ll post the new episode.  That’s a good idea. Man… It was tough getting this guy done on time.  But we did and it’s here! Distractions to start as always.  Then on to news. Including what is apparently the worst WGAS ever? After the […]


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InDis – Ep 073 – Pigs Legs

Good Monday people. Here’s is your weekly InDis InTake. We start out with Distractions.  Not much changed here, but Chris does give RPT some well deserved credit. Then on to news.  This time with missed opportunities courtesy of one Jason. After the break it’s all about legs.  Games with legs that is.  No… not real […]


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InDis – Ep 072 – Community Madness

So still full on Easter food, the podcast gets finished and released.  How about that.  Had a little bit of trouble in the editing booth, but hopefully you guys won’t notice. Starting out with Distractions.  Nothing really new.  Lots of Street Fighter talk as usual. And … wait… is someone on InDis playing Resident Evil!  […]


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InDis – Ep 071 – Partly Cloudy

We are back to normal for the first time in weeks. Chris is back from his honeymoon, Jason gets a break from editing and Geoff is still Canadian. Start out with Distractions.  Hey… Jason’s playing Street Fighter… THERE’S a surprise!  Chris is hitting up Phantasy Star… OMG another surprise and Geoff is playing… wait… iPhone […]


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