InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles in Audio.

InDis – Ep 391 – Objectified

InDis – Ep 391 – Objectified 

After some problems with the site, here’s 391.  Sorry for the delay. Regular Crew again this week. In Distractions, more Division talk.  As well as some Quantum Break. Some quick news before the break. After we come back we chat about Objectification in games and what we think of it. New releases follow before we end things […]


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InDis – Ep 390 – 4K Reasons

InDis – Ep 390 – 4K Reasons 

After a week hiatus, here’s a late show with Geoff, Travis and Chris. In Distractions, there’s a lot of Division talk as well as a couple of quick tabletops from Chris. In News, PS4k and some Destiny news.  The Destiny conversation may surprise you. New releases follow before we talk about about the question of […]


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InDis – Ep 389 – RPT That Please

InDis – Ep 389 – RPT That Please 

Geoff is out this Week so subbing for him… RPT! Single Part show this week with some table top games mixed into distractions Lionhead and cross platform play dominate the news segment. Pete handles new releases this week. Then we remind you what the question of the week is and there you have it… 389. […]


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InDis – Ep 388 – E-thletes

InDis – Ep 388 – E-thletes 

Regular Crew this week.  Travis, Geoff and Chris. Distractions and News are in the first part. After the break, we talk e-sports and then hit on some new releases. We talk about our new question of the week before wrapping up. And that’s 388 for you. 000:00 – Part 1 –  Intros, Distractions, and News 071:42 […]


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InDis – Ep 387 – Turbo Grafx

InDis – Ep 387 – Turbo Grafx 

Geoff is out this week so it’s just Travis and Chris. Short show, short description. Distractions start us off with News following. New releases and repeating last week’s QotW end us off. It’s short, but it’s 387. 000:00 – Everything QotW: How can publishers/Devs make a game fun to watch? Remember, the InDis email line is […]


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InDis – Ep 386 – We named the dog Indiana

InDis – Ep 386 – We named the dog Indiana 

Geoff, Travis, and Chris again… it’s like a record or something. A shorter distractions section this week followed by a bit of news. After we come back from the intermission, We’re talking about keeping up with the Jones’.  Have we ever done it?  Why do we do it? New releases are up next then, we have our first […]


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InDis – Ep 385 – Travis Going Bowling

InDis – Ep 385 – Travis Going Bowling 

Geoff, Travis, and Chris continue the streak! Distractions first with a few backlog items in there. A very short news segment leads us into the intermission. After we come back, it’s our most anticipated games of 2016 including some opinions from listeners. New releases are up next followed by our Email segment. Then we lead into our new […]


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InDis – Ep 384 – Unlikely

InDis – Ep 384 – Unlikely 

Geoff, Travis, and Chris for the second week in a row… amazing. Distractions first with a lot of chat about the Division Beta. A short news segment leads us into the break. Afterward… Predictions … 2016 edition.  Chris went overboard. New releases bring us up to the new question of the week, then we get out of […]


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InDis – Ep 383 – Points!

InDis – Ep 383 – Points! 

Geoff, Travis, and Chris are here this week. Distractions are up first with some new mentions including The Witness. News to Follow and we chat about some of the stories we mentioned on Facebook. After the break, we revisit our 2015 predictions. New releases are up next with some InDisQuestions. We wrap it up with […]


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InDis – Ep 382 – Game of the Year 2015

InDis – Ep 382 – Game of the Year 2015 

Geoff, Travis, Jason, and Chris are discussing game of the year. We start out talking about our individual GotY lists. Afterwards we talk about what you had to say with voicemails, emails and Facebook page posts. After the break, we deliberate on what should be InDis Game of the Year for 2015. Afterwards, we discuss […]


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