InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


Browsing all articles by Chris.

InDis – Ep 065 – RVC4: Street Fighter

Hey look… it’s Monday… so here’s your weekly dose of InDis! Distractions. Jason finished a game! Holy crap! Chris is playing all the games he couldn’t play when he was sucked into Fallout? Neeeeeeeeeeeeews Tiiiiiiiiiiime Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiildreeeeeen… staring Geoff Chorney. New AND SUPER DUPER EXCITING hardware news for the US. </sarcasm> After the break… It’s all […]


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InDis – Ep 064 – Drunk Dialing is Underrated

Another Monday… another InDis.  But this time, it’s all back to normal.  Amazing.  First time in weeks! Distractions this week.  Jason hits Fallout again.  Geoff relives part of his past with the new Genesis collection, and Chris is playing… wait… strategy game?  Hey wait… where did Geoff go? Some more news from Geoff.  Including … […]


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InDis – Ep FO3 – Fallout 3 Spoiler Special

Welcome to our third bonus episode! This is the special episode we have been talking about doing for a while. There were 5 of us and we had a lot to say… so get comfortable. So in this bonus episode, we talk about Fallout 3. We cover most of the quests including all of the […]


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InDis – Ep 062 – Domo arigato indeed… bastards

Short show this week.  Chris starts the first half in a pretty bad mood, but it gets better as things go on. Distractions… mostly the same as usual, but a couple of new things including the RE5 demo. Then… News… Nickelodeon?  Blah. After the break, it’s time for DoMO.  Spoiler Alert… we don’t like it […]


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InDis – Ep 061 – Xblades + Atlantica = Win

Editor’s Note: During our interview with Mr. Bert Jennings, we had our settings incorrect in Skype.  Jason and I were in the same room, which we usually don’t do, and had 2 mics going into a mixer then into my laptop.  Well we did not switch our settings for skype over to the mixer, which […]


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InDis – Ep 060 – Can you RPT that

The time has finally come.  On this weeks show… our Find a Forth winner.. RPT… joins us. We start out with Distractions… Which RPT must think is the whole show. Then… News… And you’ll never guess what we all think of the best selling “game” of 2008. After the break, A great discussion over RPT’s […]


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InDis – Ep 059 – Predictatron… aka Geoff.

Wait… what.  An InDis episode that’s actually on time. As normal, we start out with Distractions… mostly more of the same except for a little talk about a demo about a new … wait … a new Genesis game?  WTF? Then on to some news.  Some depressing, some exciting. After the break, we talk about […]


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InDis – Ep 058 – GotY 2008

Better late than never. Had some issues this week causing us to record late and then there were some problems with editing, but we’re back. This week, we talk about our favorite games of the year. We start out with distractions. No news this week, we move straight into downloadable and portable games of the […]


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InDis Ep 058 Delayed

Hey everyone. We missed out on recording episode 58 this weekend thanks to a few issues.  The original plan was to give you guys an extra week to answer the Question of the Week since we had something very special going on. We’ve joked about making a field trip up to see Trickman’s basement for […]


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InDis – Ep 057 – A Warrior Within

Editor’s note: Things were a bit different this week since Jason was at my place when we recorded. Unknown to me at the time, I was not close enough to the mic through the majority of the show, so you’ll be able to hear me, but I sound kinda distant. Also, during the interview, there […]


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