InDis – Ep 422 – Game of the Year 2018

Episode 422

Audio Podcast

InDis – Ep 421 – A Giant Bombshell Guest

Episode 421

Audio Podcast

InDis- Ep 420 – Insert Weed Joke Here

Episode 420

Audio Podcast


InDis – Ep 263 – Holidays

Just Geoff and Chris this week.

Distractions is dominated by Vita talk since Geoff just got one.

In news… there’s some competition for Ouya on the kickstarter front.

After the break, we talk about what we did for the holidays and what kind of loot we got!

New releases have a couple of intriguing games to jump on.

Follow that up with an eamil, voicemail and what’s going on next week and you’ve got yourself a show.  We call it episode 263

000:00 – Introductions and Announcements
004:27 – Geoff’s Distractions
032:40 – Chris’ Distractions
046:32 – News
060:21 – Intermission
065:37 – Is this Gen going on too long?
090:29 – New Releases
093:02 – Listener Emails
098:50 – Next Week

QotW: What predictions did you make for 2012 and how did they turn out?

Remember, the InDis email line is open 24/7.
Have a suggestion for the Question of the Week? Drop us a line at or …

706-760-4337  (it’s almost leet, but it’s not)
Google talk –

Want to ask us a quick question?
@InDisQuestions is perfect for you!

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