Help Tribe One and Friends Raise Funds for their Tour!
It’s official: Tribe One will be melting our eardrums Friday night at Battle and Brew for this year’s InDisFest! He’s helping us craft a great InDis experience, so we are going to lend our talented friend-of-the-show a hand.
Tribe and friends Adam WarRock, Jesse Dangerously, Mikal kHill, recently recorded a record to help them raise some gil for their next tour and InDis is going to try and jump in for the assist.
This record is fantastic…and I don’t even usually listen to hot raps (That’s what they call it now, right?). These gentlemen rap for the nerds and the geeks and as I listen more and more, I come to realize and appreciate the brilliance in their lyrics. I think you guys will dig what they have to offer!
Embedded below are the links to their page for the record titled: “Fun Razor” and other links to Tribe One himself. It’s a name-your-price payment plan with a minimum of $10 for their tour fund raiser, so help them out by buying some raps and help YOURself to some real quality tunes. They rap about video games and pop culture for heaven’s sake! Brilliant!
Tribe One, Jesse Dangerously, Mikal kHill, and Adam WarRock – “Fun Razor”
Tribe One – “AnamanaGANGSTA // Devil Rhymeosaur”
Tribe One – “We Can Do Nothing Here But Perish”