MGC’s Scrub Sport Tournament!
Some of you around the site may be aware of an event that happens every year called MGC (Midwest Gaming Classic), and this year InDis was able to attend. Another event that was able to happen as a result was a Street Fighter 4 tournament held by the bastard child of InDis and Welcome to the Goo, We left the sign-ups open for a few hours and were surprised to find that over 20 people signed up! At one point, we had 3 separate stations set up for people to do their fights, which made things incredibly fast!
Jason took charge, and called out names, as well as assign their stations to fight while I taped the fights happening at station 1. Probably one of the funniest moments was towards the end of the tourney when Jason held the grand prize, a SF4 snuggie, high above his head and yelled for everyone to #GETHYPED for the final match…. only to have someone come up to him moments later, and tell him they hadn’t fought yet. With an embarrassed look on his face, he then got people hyped for the second to last match, and then re-hyped everyone for the final match (this time fo realz!).
The tourney went very smooth for the most part. Only a few people didn’t show up for their matches, but everyone else there stayed in the room, and waited for their name to be called. It was quite an experience seeing the fighters walking around with their TE sticks under their arms, cheering and yelling at the many upsets that happened throughout the various matches. This is what Street Fighter is all about!
The winner of the tourney ended up being a fighter simply going by the name Brian S. Our congrats go out to him for winning the tourney (playing Vega we might add), and the SF4 snuggie (those things are so warm!).
If you decide you want in on these Street Fighter shenanigans, then you should head over to and sign up for one of the many leagues we run there. DO EET!!